When Apple Watch was first unveiled, accessory makers sprinted to fill the market with add-ons. One of the less popular items have been cases, which have largely added bulk without much function. MTM Status has landed on Kickstarter with a design that does both. Made of “weapons-grade” materials, this Watch case has a pair of analog dials with a built-in clock and compass. It’s no surprise that its robust design and dials would be attractive to outdoors-types that also coincidentally own an Apple Watch.
MTM locks around your wearable with a series of metal screws that tighten from each side. There are two material choices, including 7075 aluminum and Grade 2 titanium in silver and black, respectively. At this time, the plan is to only have 500 Titanium models made as a limited edition run. MTM is also offering a series of silicone, nylon, leather and metal bands in multiple colorings as a part of this Kickstarter campaign. Other official and third-party bands will not be compatible with this accessory. Prices start at $129 for the aluminum model and go up to $449 for titanium with a May 2017 ship date if all goes to plan.
We have decided to develop a new and different type of protection for the 38mm Apple Watch®. We have designed a “surround” that incorporates two analog quartz “micro-dials” and standard watch lugs. This quickly resolves the common dilemma of a dead battery for various survivalists, hikers, and outdoorsmen alike. Each micro-dial is interchangeable and a customizable feature of the watch. A 12-hour clock and compass come standard with each MTM Status™. We are currently developing our digital dial options. We expect a similar battery life to our Quartz dials. These digital dials will have a high contrast display that will either display the date or time, but not both.
Source: Kickstarter / Image via Hi Consumption
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