With iPhone X set to arrive on Friday, accessory makers are quickly starting to roll out new cases for Apple’s latest device. Today, Twelve South is showing off its new leather-wrapped solutions, bringing the popular BookBook and Journal styles to iPhone X. There’s three versions hitting online shelves this morning, head below for a quick look at each.
When I think of Twelve South, my mind is taken right to its BookBook cases that have been popular for years dating back to iPhone 4. The new iPhone X models sport a unique cutout unlike previous generations to accomodate the dual lens system. If you’re looking for an all-in-one wallet solution, this may be the case for you. Twelve South is selling it for $60 and comes with designated storage for upwards of four credit cards and a license.
The similar, yet different, Journal offers a flip-over lid and card storage minus the book-style’s look and feel. It’s very similar with the same number of designated card storage locations, but ditches the library aesthetics. Twelve South ships it in brown or black with a $70 price tag.
If you’re looking for a slimmer approach to carrying your cards and iPhone X, the RelaxedLeather case may fit the bill. It has integrated storage for two cards and ditches the flap-over lid for a more streamlined look. Twelve South is offering it in six different colors at launch with a $50 price tag.
Each of today’s releases are available for pre-order today with a seven-day ship time. If you’re in need of a new case beforehand, check out our roundup of the best new options here and Amazon’s curated iPhone X storefront.
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