Earlier this week, Jaybird unveiled its latest pair of wireless headphones. We found the Tarahs to be a stellar option under $100 for both at home or on-the-go. Now, we’ve partnered with Jaybird to give away a pair of headphones to one lucky Electronicsforward reader. Head below to find out you can win one for yourself.
Jaybird’s new Tarah wireless earbuds deliver sport-focused performance in an affordable $100 price tag. Features include a weatherproof design, up to six-hours of playback on a single charge and Jaybird’s customizable EQ smartphone app.
Designed to echo the pure simplicity of running that we all know, love and chase everyday, the streamlined Tarah harnesses the freedom of premium wireless sound in a minimalist design—a sleek and comfortable set of headphones for daily training and fitness performance.
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