Drop into Apex Legends with shields and weapons during the Battle Armor event

Apex Legends is seeing a new twist on armor before Season 5 drops in a few weeks. On Tuesday, April 28, we’re going to see an all-new limited-time mode called Battle Armor introduced. This event will take place on World’s Edge and evolves over the 14-day period until Season 5 is released, offering a “new twist on armor every few days.” What all does this entail? Well, we’ll be getting an extra week of Season 4, as well as dropping into the game with a weapon already in our hand, but keep reading to find out more.

Battle Armor will let you drop with shields and weapons

Each game during the Battle Armor event, you’ll drop into the match with one armor type already equipped, as well as a P2020 already in hand. All armor is removed from the loot pool during this mode. You’ll only have shield cells and batteries to pick up, alongside the other normal loot available during the game.

Starting Tuesday, April 28 through Saturday, May 2, you’ll only have white armor, meaning that everyone in the match will be on an even playing field. be sure to grab shield cells, as no shield swapping will be available.

Starting on Saturday, May 2, through Wednesday, May 6, you’ll have blue armor, which gives an extra bit of health. Then, on Wednesday, May 6 through Saturday May 9 everyone will have purple armor, which should make for some extended fights since everyone in the game will have the best armor available.

However, things really shakeup on Saturday, May 9 through Tuesday, May 12 when everyone drops with Evo Armor only. Given that you’ll only have one bit of health from armor, you’ll want to get into fights early else you’ll be entering the final circle with level 1 gear. During this time, the top 5 finishes across all game modes will have double Level XP for quicker progression as we head into Season 5.

Season 4 will get extended an extra week to allow people more time to finish out the Battle Pass

If you got into the Season 4 battle pass a bit late, as I did, then this is a welcomed change for you. Respawn is giving everyone an extra week to finish out the Season 4 Battle Pass before moving onto Season 5. The reason behind this? Well, it could be the kindness of their heart or that the dev team just needs a few more days of work to prep for the new content. Either way, this extension, along with the new game mode, should make for an interesting few weeks in Apex Legends.

Season 5 comes May 12

If you’ve been waiting for Season 5, well, it lands May 12. That’s only a few weeks away, so you’ll really want to finish out the Battle Pass to get tot he next level of Ranked before then to take advantage of the time you have. What Season 5 of Apex Legends will hold? Well, we’re still being kept in the dark on that one.

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