After featuring its latest covers for Apple’s new handsets, Casely has now launched its annual Fall Collection sale. Delivering 30% off a large collection if fall-inspired designs, you’ll find notable price drops now live on iPhone 12, 13, and 14 cases as well as select Android Samsung handsets alongside its MagSafe Power Pod battery packs. Pricing starts from $10.50 using the discount code you’ll find below and you can get all of the details after the fold.
Casely annual Fall Collection sale
Casely has gathered up all of its fall-inspired designs and patterns, from florals and the Van Gogh models to more pop culture-focused treatments and landscapes, on this landing page for your browsing pleasure.
Just be sure to apply code PUMPKINSPICE at checkout and on any of these cases to knock the total down 30% at checkout. And remember, if there are some designs that catch your eye not included in the fall section – some of the options there don’t come in iPhone 14 sizes – you can use code 9to5Mac30 to score the same price drop on those anyway.
Today’s Casely Fall Collection event matches the same exclusive pricing we saw when the new iPhone 14 cases launched and a great time to land some new designs to match your fall wardrobe. But this time, there are also Android and older model iPhone options available starting from $10.50 as well. Shipping is free in orders of $50 or more.
While you’re at it, you can also check out our hands-on review of its MagSafe Power Pod battery attachments that are included in today’s sale as well as details on its official Crayola iPhone and AirPod case designs from $17.50, too.
Let it Grow Banana Leaf Floral Case features:
Fun and vibrant, the Banana Leaf Case lets you embrace your wild side! Large banana leaves grow in front of a chocolatey background. The brown and green leaves transport you to a jungle far from your stresses of the day. Picture yourself relaxing under the cool fronds of trees surrounded by flora and fauna. The minimal, block color design makes this case perfect for a subtle statement.
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