DSTRUX iOS app makes it safe to share risqué photos on Facebook

At this point it’s pretty clear that nothing is really private once it hits the worldwide web. Power-users leverage encryption tools to keep their data safe, but that’s too much of a hassle for the general public.

DSTRUX, a web-platform that launched in April, aims to make sharing sensitive data online easy for anyone. The launch of its free iOS app today pushes it even closer to realizing that goal…

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRhZa9Xddvo?rel=0]

Think of it like a pro version of Snapchat that gives you ultimate control over your most private digital files:

[It] allows users to share any file or picture while maintaining complete control over who can receive it and how long it can be viewed; without the fear of it being forwarded, downloaded or altered without the senders permission. In addition to control, the sender can make the file self-destruct at any time on the fly.

Email and Facebook integration makes using DSTRUX as painless as possible for the end user. This is key because the average user will always opt for convenience over security.

Your information remains safe because it cannot be “printed, copied, saved or even screen captured.” And once a file self-destructs or is disabled, it’s “shredded, erased, and written over” so it can never be recovered.

Video and twitter support is coming “soon” and an Android version is currently on track to launch this Fall.

Source: TechCrunch
Full press release follows:

DSTRUX Brings Control And Self-Destructing Files To Mobile With The Introduction Of Its Free iOS App 
DSTRUX Provides Mobile Users The Same Control Of Shared Files And Pics As Its Online Platform.

NEW YORKAug. 18, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — DSTRUX, Inc., creator of the critically acclaimed platform that empowers users to control what they share on the Internet, announced today its FREE iOS mobile app is now available at Apple’s App Store. Unlike other mobile apps, DSTRUX completely ensures that everything shared using the app and web-based platform remains private.

In April 2014, DSTRUX launched its web-platform, which allows users to share any file or picture while maintaining complete control over who can receive it and how long it can be viewed; without the fear of it being forwarded, downloaded or altered without the senders permission. In addition to control, the sender can make the file self-destruct at any time on the fly.

Nathan Hecht, CEO and founder of DSTRUX, enthuses, “We are thrilled to be on iOS, and believe DSTRUX is the future of how people will share with each other both personally and professionally.”

Hecht adds, “DSTRUX is a paradigm shift in the way people share digitally that is long overdue. No longer are we at the mercy of an email that went viral or the invasive nature of the digital world. DSTRUX is the only app that provides privacy, control and most importantly, a zero digital footprint and this is only the beginning. I am a firm believer that what people share should always remain theirs and never come back to haunt them.”

With the launch of DSTRUX’s iOS app, users sharing pictures or files, and soon video, will always maintain control and have the ability to specify how long a recipient can view a file before the self-destruct mechanism activates; thus preventing further views since the file is completely shredded from the system. Everything shared via DSTRUX can be shared via email, as well as through Facebook with WhatsApp. A Twitter integration is also coming soon. For Android users, the DSTRUX  Android app will be available this Fall. To sign up or learn more about DSTRUX, visit www.DSTRUX.com.

Nathan Hecht and his specialized team of engineers from the IDF’s famed Unit 8200 founded DSTRUX in April 2014. DSTRUX is a cloud-based design that enables users to control the viewing of messages and content online even after hitting “send.” DSTRUX is the safest way to ensure the security of personal or private information that you share over the Internet because the viewer will never be able to hold on to the data or copy a file before it erases for good. DSTRUX is also the first platform that gives time limits for the recipient that will self-destruct and also prohibits printing, copying, forwarding or screenshots without the sender’s permission. For more information, please visit www.DSTRUX.com.

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