As Apple and Google continue the race to connect their devices to every part of your home, new products are popping up every day it seems. The latest of which joins the likes of August, Kwikset and others as a new smartphone-connected door lock. ‘Gate’ is designed by two former Google Glass dropouts that are hoping to cram as many features into a deadbolt as possible.
The circular lock has a built-in 720p camera, two-way speaker system and a backlit keypad on the front alongside a traditional keyhole. Gate’s free iOS and Android app will allow users to livestream video from the front door, remotely unlock or lock and manage custom codes. The developers state that Amazon Echo, HomeKit and Nest integration are also set to come down the line. Gate is currently available for pre-order at Indiegogo for $179 with an anticipated ship date of March 2017 if all goes to plan.