Massive weekend Switch game sale now live from $25: Mario, Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, Donkey Kong, World Championships, more

Switch From $25
Switch game sale-Mario-Zelda

Woot has been on a roll over the last few months with the Switch game deals but it all came to a screaming halt early this week when it shut down its massive sale. But worry not, just about all of the big-time deals are now back, including first-party Mario and Zelda games, Pokémon titles, and much more, with some prices now down even lower. The relatively new Mario & Luigi: Brothership, for example, has now dropped down to one of its best prices at $44.99 Prime shipped, from the regular $60 (a $6 delivery fee will apply without a Prime membership), and there’s a whole lot more than that – scroll down a bit on this landing page to find the Switch game deals and there are some highlights listed for you below:

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3D images of the re-designed Switch 2 dock, Joy-Con Grip, and more just surfaced online

We recently put up our master Nintendo Switch 2 guide, collating all of the details, leaks, and rumors that have surfaced on the next-generation console. Next up, some alleged 3D renders of the Switch 2 dock from historically reliable leaker. While we have already caught  glimpse of the Switch 2 dock in the first-look trailer Nintendo revealed, these supposed official renders of the actual dock give us a 3D look and perhaps some additional details alongside some renders of the Joy-Con Grip and charger. 

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Nintendo Switch 2 guide – all of the price leaks, pre-orders, feature details, launch games, and more

Everything you need to know about Nintendo Switch 2 has been collected into one handy guide for you below. Nintendo’s next-generation console will hit store shelves later this year some time after the scheduled and dedicated Switch 2 Direct showcase on April 2. While we will have to wait until then before we get an official word on price, pre-order details, and hopefully some information on the launch/window games, there’s a ton of information already out there that Nintendo hasn’t given up just yet and you’ll find it all waiting down below. 

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Land a copy of Super Mario Bros. Wonder down at $45 today, or in the new OLED bundle at $70 off

Reg. $60 $45

As part of its ongoing Switch game sale, Woot is now offering physical copies of Super Mario Bros. Wonder down at $44.99 with free shipping for Prime members (a $6 delivery fee will apply otherwise). Regularly $60, this is a straight up 25% off the going rate and another shot to land one of the best modern Mario platformers ever for your Switch library. This one recently landed as part of a stealthy new OLED Switch bundle that is now up for sale at Best Buy and could quite possibly be part of next month’s Mario Day 2025 festivities. There’s about $70 in savings up for grabs on the bundle, but if you’re saving your gold coins for the new Switch 2, you can least save some cash on Super Mario Bros. Wonder to tide you over until the next-generation of Nintendo starts over the next few months. 

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Former Nintendo sales strategist says Switch 2 will release in June with NVIDIA chip and without an OLED display, more

February feels like it’s taking forever and March might be even worse as Mario Day 2025 will likely just be a reminder of how much longer we will have to wait for Nintendo Switch 2 to actually launch. But we will all just need to be patient at this point, as the scheduled Switch 2 Direct presentation is landing on April 2 and just about everyone presumes pre-orders will go live shortly after that. But when is Switch 2 going to actually release Nintendo? And how much is it going to cost? We need to know and we need to know soon. While these question will likely get answered in early April, a former Nintendo sales strategist has made some public predictions that might end up being the most accurate information we have seen yet. 

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Mario Day 2025 starts early? Best Buy has an un-announced Super Mario Bros. Wonder Switch console bundle up for sale

Mario Day 2025, or MAR10, is just around the corner now, and it looks like this year’s bundle has already “leaked” at Best Buy. In fact, you can already buy it right now. While this year’s Mario Day celebration might be a touch underwhelming for some considering it’s going to land roughly a month before the Nintendo Switch 2 Direct showcase and subsequent pre-orders for the next-generation console, but Nintendo clearly thinks its current-generation OLED console still has some fire left in it as the new Super Mario Bros. Wonder bundle is now up for sale at $349

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Official release date, price, and piece count for the upcoming LEGO Game Boy set might have just leaked

Earlier this year Nintendo officially teased an upcoming collaboration with LEGO – an upcoming, brick-built Game Boy set. It will likely be the biggest Nintendo hardware release of the year outside of the Switch 2. At the time of the official reveal, there weren’t many details to go on outside of a teaser video and that it was indeed on the way this year, but a supposedly reliable leaker might have just outed some details on the new LEGO Game Boy along with the price. 

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Rumors suggest Switch 2’s USB-C ports could support a DS-style dual display add-on, or casting tech to dock/TV

Switch 2

While we are still awaiting the official Switch 2 Direct showcase on April 2 to get the full picture on the next-generation Nintendo console, plenty of additional details have come to light since then. From official patents specifically mentioning mouse mode, the lack of support for the current Switch Online Game Voucher program, and Nintendo’s official comments on how it is dealing with the U.S. tariffs situation, all of the rumors and speculation have been interspersed with solid, confirmed details. We also know there are two USB-C ports on the machine, and one can only assume they are for more than just charging convenience – many have suggested a web cam add-on could be on the way, but does this also suggest that the dual-display rumors previously circulated could ring true?

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Nintendo confirms Game Voucher deals will not work on next-gen exclusives – does this indicate a price hike on Switch 2 games?

We have already outlined the expected Switch 2 launch window games, rumored titles like GTA 6 and Metal Gear Solid Delta as well as select Xbox titles and some details on backwards compatibility. And while Nintendo hasn’t fleshed out the details on exactly how Switch games will work on Switch 2 (we know some titles won’t have full compatibly), we do now have some details on how Nintendo Game Vouchers will work on the next-generation console. 

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Will U.S. Tariffs impact the price of Switch 2? Here’s what Nintendo had to say about it

We are now just over 6 weeks out from the official Nintendo Switch 2 Direct – a showcase where we expect to see a full blow out of the console’s feature set, some launch game information, pre-order details, and, perhaps most importantly, the price. The question is whether or not those Trump tariffs are going to take a toll on Nintendo’s stateside bottom line come launch day or not. However, in a recent press conference Nintendo boss Shuntaro Furukawa did have something to say about the matter. 

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Weekend game deals: Super Mario RPG 50% off, Donkey Kong Country Returns HD $45, more

Woot is once again giving Switch gamers a shot at scoring one of the lowest prices we have tracked on Super Mario RPG. Regularly $60, you can now land a physical copy of the game down at $29.99 Prime shipped (a $6 delivery fee will apply otherwise). We did see this same 50% price drop pop up at Woot recently before quickly going out of stock, but it’s back again today to give folks another go at it. This deal comes as part of the wider Woot gaming sale that is loaded with deals on Switch titles, including the best price on the new Donkey Kong Country Returns HD remake, Zelda games, and more – everything is waiting for you right here

Nintendo Switch 2 console purportedly hits the black market – you can buy one right now for $40,000

$40K Black Market

We have seen some compelling industry insider speculation on what the price of the upcoming Switch 2 will be. A Canadian Costco employee purportedly leaked a placeholder price for the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 console recently. But you can apparently buy one right now for the price of about the price of new Tesla right now on the black market. 

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Report: Nintendo Switch 2 supports upside-down Joy-Con controller setup with auto-rotating display

Switch 2 Reversible?

Shortly before a Costco employee might have leaked the Switch 2 price, a recently surfaced official Nintendo patent filing all but confirmed mouse mode for the Joy-Con. Alongside giving us a glimpse at what might be the new two-piece Switch Pro Controller as well as a wireless charging dock, an official patent is also now pointing at the ability to completely reverse the Joy-Con – attach them to the console the other way around.

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Nintendo Switch 2 price might have just leaked courtesy of a Costco employee

Switch 2

Switch 2 is official, Grand Theft Auto 6 and Metal Gear Solid Delta might be in the launch game window (along with a host of actual Nintendo titles of course), and recent patent fillings have all but confirmed Mouse-Con mode. But what about the price? Early leaks and rumors suggested it could hit at $449 here the US, but a Costco employee might have just leaked a much lower price than that. 

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Grand Theft Auto 6 might be coming to Nintendo Switch 2

Yesterday we got official words from Take-Two that Grand Theft Auto VI was still scheduled to release this fall, just after an official Nintendo patent seemingly confirmed the existence of mouse mode on Switch 2. But is there any connection between the two? Well not exactly, but the CEO of Rockstar’s parent company, Strauss Zelnick, did suggest that it plants to support Switch 2 as much as possible. 

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Official Nintendo patent confirms Switch 2 mouse mode for Joy-Con + first look at wireless charger and split Pro controller, more


An official patent filed by Nintendo is surfacing across the web today – it appears to all but confirm the mouse functionality on the Joy-Con and quite possibly offer up the very first look at the new official wireless charging pad as well as what looks a lot like the new Pro controller. Check it out below. 

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Nintendo has now officially confirmed the date and time for the upcoming Switch 2 Direct showcase

The new Nintendo Switch 2 has to be one of the most exciting new upcoming releases and, while there has been tons of speculation and even some credible rumors on the upcoming games and other details, we are all anxiously awaiting the official dedicated Direct presentation scheduled for April 2, 2025. And we now know exactly what time it will go live. 

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Nintendo officially states it is preparing for Switch 2 scalpers, over 20 million units in first year, but will it even help?

Switch 2 Scalpers

Nintendo Switch 2 is fast approaching with preorders likely to go live in just a few months time after the scheduled Direct showcase on April 2. But how many Switch 2 will there actually be? Will it be just as hard to get one at retail as the original Switch was? Well, probably, but the Nintendo President has recently made an official statement regarding how the company is going to be dealing with scalpers this time around. 

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Is the Switch 2 Joy-Con mouse mode real? Here’s what the Civ 7 devs had to say about it

Mouse-con Switch 2

There, of course, is still a ton of questions regarding what secrets Nintendo’s new Switch 2 might still carry. Speculation has naturally run rampant across the interwebs since Nintendo’s officially revealed its next-generation console, but one topic that has consistently topped the list of debate has been those Mouse-Con – the potential of mouse-like functionality on the new Switch 2 Joy-Con. 

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Reliable leaker says Metal Gear Solid Delta is a Switch 2 launch game, more details

MGS Switch 2

We have already detailed everything we know about the Nintendo Switch 2 launch window games. Just about everyone is expecting the new Mario Kart 9 (or whatever it might be called) to launch on day one, and potentially even as part of a console bundle. And we also spotted a retailer listing mentioning a new 3D Mario game as well as some kind of Zelda remake, but  a quite credible Switch 2 leaker with an equally as solid track record also seems to think the highly-anticipated Metal Gear remake will be one of the first game available on the new system. 

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Leaked retail listing suggests Switch 2 games might be quite a bit larger


Despite some burning questions still up in the air, we already know a fair amount about the Nintendo Switch, have a good idea of what the launch titles will be, as well as a good understanding of how much larger the actual console will be and how much it might cost. A potential release date leaked recently, and a retailer might have just leaked what the new Switch 2 game case sizes will be. 

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Today’s best game deals: Donkey Kong Country Returns HD $45 low, Dragon Age Veilguard $25, more

Reg. $60 $45

Woot is now offering the best price ever on the new Donkey Kong Country Returns HD remake at $44.99 Prime shipped (a $6 delivery fee will apply otherwise). Regularly $60, this is $5 under our previous mention and 25% off the sticker price to deliver a new all-time low on the brand new release. By just about all accounts, this is another triumphant remake on the Switch library. It is by and large the definitive experience, bringing together all of the extra content that was added to the original from previous re-releases, delivering one of the best platformers of its type on the Switch. It ain’t easy, but at least you’ll have a load of bananas to recover and tough platforming action to master while you await the launch of Nintendo Switch 2

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Last day to score the 50% off intro price on Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete for iOS/Android

50% off $10

Back in December Nintendo unleashed a new, updated version of the original Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp for iOS and Android, but this time with all of the bonus content and DLC action at no additional charge. Smartphone games riddled with in-app purchases have been a tough sell for some folks and a non-starter for others – Nintendo is no stranger to this backlash, so when it decided to release an effectively complete version of its pocketable Animal Crossing experience it was a breath of fresh air to some degree. But we are touching down today to remind folks that the starter price of $9.99 on Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete on iOS and Android is about to be no more – this one will jump up to the full $20 price by day’s end. 

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All titles of these games are now just $25: Super Mario RPG, Visions of Mana, FC 25, and more

58% off $25

Update: Woot has now dropped the price on physical copies of the new Donkey Kong Country Returns HD to $44.99 Prime shipped – this is a new all-time low. 

GameStop has launched a notable console game sale with a number of notable titles on PS5, Xbox, and Switch at $24.99 – or $22.49 for Pro members). Some standouts include titles like NHL 25, FC 25, and College Football 25, but we are also seeing one of the best prices ever on both Super Mario RPG and Visions of Mana down at the same $24.99 each. These are $60 titles seeing deep 58% price drops to deliver the lowest prices we have tracked on both of them. Visions of Mana is still up at $45 on Amazon and the lowest we have tracked before today on Super Mario RPG is $30. Browse through all of the titles in today’s GameStop sale right here before titles begin to jump back up in price or sell out. 

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Nintendo Switch 2 release date might have just leaked…could be landing sooner than you think

What is the Nintendo Switch 2 release date? While there are still a number of unanswered questions about Nintendo’s highly-anticipated 2025 release of Switch 2, perhaps the one we are eagerly awaiting most is the release date. The launch titles, if those controllers can actually be used as Mouse-Con, the actual price, and so on – these are all at the top of list for sure, but when will Switch 2 actually release? A recent retail listing might have just let the cat out of the bag. 

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Xbox games are coming to Switch 2: Phil Spencer praises upcoming Nintendo console in new interview, more

We have already detailed some hints floating around on the Nintendo Switch 2 launch titles, but it looks as though we could also be seeing a major influx of Xbox games as well as titles from Ubisoft and Konami too. Not only does it appear as though multi-platform games – that might have previously skipped the Switch in favor of the more powerful platforms – will be landing on Switch 2, but Xbox’s Phil Spencer was recently caught teasing Microsoft’s plans to release what sounds like more than just a few Xbox games on Switch 2. 

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How much bigger will Nintendo Switch 2 actually be? Here are some size comparisons to give you an idea

After making rounds on the internet for a few years unofficially in the form of leaks and rumors, the successor to Nintendo’s Switch console finally made its first official appearance last week in a video shared by the company on its YouTube channel. The video, right from the get-go, confirmed that the Switch 2 will be bigger than its predecessor. You can clearly see the main body of the console and the Joy-Con grow in size before taking the final form. It seems like a substantial increase indicating that Nintendo is embracing the era of big portable handhelds. But just how big is the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 gaming handheld going to be? Let’s try and find an answer to the question below.

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Switch 2 launch games: Official retail listing mentions new 3D Mario game, Zelda remake, Pokemon, Metroid, more

Switch 2 Launch games

What are the Nintendo Switch 2 launch games? We aren’t exactly sure just yet beyond what will likely be Mario Kart 9. But we did spot an official Nintendo retail listing pointing at a new 3D Mario game, Zelda remakes, and more. Scope out the details below.

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Score a copy of Super Mario RPG at $30 to play before Switch 2 launches (50% off), more

50% off $30

If you haven’t picked up a copy of Super Mario RPG yet, Target has it on sale for $30 with free shipping for Target 360 members or in orders over $35 (you can also opt for free in-store pickup where available). This is a regularly $60 title seeing a solid 50% price drop to deliver the lowest we can find – it is currently up at full price via Best Buy and is no longer available at the $33 we were tracking in the ongoing Woot sale over the last few months. While at this point everyone is really just waiting for Switch 2 to land and what will likely be the official reveal of the new Mario Kart 9, you’re going to need some games to tide you over until the April Direct, pre-order phase following that, and the likely release come sometime this summer (here’s the latest on how much the Switch 2 might cost) – the Super Mario RPG remake is a great way to do just that, especially at 50% off. 

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How much will Nintendo Switch 2 cost? Insiders suggest the new console will start at $449

$$$ Switch 2

How much will Nintendo Switch 2 cost? What will the price be on the launch bundle? Let’s dive in. The new Nintendo console is officially inbound and likely this summer, but what will the new Switch 2 price be? While we do know a fair amount about the new console – backwards compatibility, likely Mario Kart 9 launch title, magnetic Joy-Con, larger display/form-factor, and more – there are also a ton of questions remaining. Can the Joy-Con also be used like a mouse? What is the actual Switch 2 release date? and, perhaps most importantly, what is the Nintendo Switch 2 price going to be? 

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Play Nintendo Switch 2 early: Registrations to get an early hands-on look go live for everyone today

Early Switch 2

The countdown to finally bring home the new Nintendo Switch 2 is officially on. While we all anxiously await the early April Nintendo Direct for more details on the upcoming console, Nintendo is already planning some early hands-on events and anyone has a shot to get it on the action. While these early hands-on looks are sometimes only for members of the press, the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2 experience is actually open to all and registration starts this afternoon. 

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Everything we know about Nintendo Switch 2: Mario Kart 9 and launch titles, Mouse-Con functionality, release window, pre-orders, more

Switch 2 Next-gen Mario

It finally happened folks…the Switch 2 has arrived and the countdown to release starts now. Nintendo finally unveiled the first look trailer for the next-generation console this morning, as you likely already know, promising what sounds like a complete rundown of its feature set in early April. But we can already deduce a number of details about the console, the Switch 2 launch title(s), as well as a launch window, among other things. Head below for everything we know about Nintendo Switch 2 as of right now. 

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Nintendo just officially announced Switch 2!

Switch 2

The Nintendo Switch 2 is official. Nintendo has now revealed its next-generation console officially known as the Nintendo Switch 2. It has been a long hard road to today’s reveal, but it has finally happened to kick off the new year, just like Nintendo promised it would. A full Nintendo Switch 2 Direct showcase will go live on April 2, 2025. Let’s-a-go!

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Industry insider says Nintendo Switch 2 will get an official reveal this week, debut trailer to launch in just days

In what has been a near endless string of rumors over the last couple years, leaks and details on the next Switch console are seriously starting to ramp up lately, with several industry insiders and those in the know suggesting the official announcement of Switch 2 could be just days away now. 

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Nintendo just announced an epic upcoming LEGO Game Boy set!! Check it out…

A new and likely quite epic Nintendo and LEGO kit of some kind appears to be on the way. Nintendo just teased a mildly cryptic new collaboration between the two beloved brands that looks a lot like there’s (definitely) going to be a super sweet LEGO Game Boy of my dreams coming soon. 

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Nintendo accessory maker claims Switch 2 is launching in April, mock-up based on actual console

The Switch 2 has to be coming soon right? The latest rumors suggest Nintendo’s next hardware release will be launching in April, and this time the details are coming from a Switch accessory maker that seems to be claiming to have the unit, or at the least the official specs. Details and a closer look at a mockup from the brand can be found below. 

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New holiday Switch game deals: Zelda Link’s Awakening, Metroid Dread, Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, more

Reg. $60 From $42

Joining the still live last-minute Switch game sale Best Buy launched, Woot has now added a couple notable days back to its ongoing holiday Switch game sale as well. Firstly, we have Metroid Dread down at $41.99 and the return of Mario Vs. Donkey Kong at the same $41.99, but we are also now tracking Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening at $44.99 shipped. While we have seen this $60 title down at $40 a few times this year, this might be your last chance of the year to score a deal on it as it is sitting at over $50 via both Amazon and Best Buy right now. That said, there are loads of notable Switch game deals now live at Best Buy you can still get under the tree in time this year down below.

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Best Buy’s annual 12 Days of Gaming sale now live: Prince of Persia $15, Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope $13, more

12 days From $13

Best Buy has now kicked off its annual 12 Days of Gaming sale to join its 25 Days of Deals event. This, much like years past, delivers 12 straight days of gaming deals with between one and a few new deals each day, and today we have Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown down at $14.99 from the regularly up to $40 and Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope (Code in Box) at $12.99 – this one does carry a regular price at $40 these days but more typically floats in and around the $20 range. These deals tend to sell out quite quickly so jump in while you still can. 

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Nintendo Black Friday deals now live! Switch OLED bundle up to $155 off, loads of Switch games, more

Now live! $155 off

We wait all year for the official Nintendo Black Friday deals and today is the day they go live. While we already saw the eShop Black Friday sale drop alongside a host of big deals on physical games, today we are getting the best price of the year on the Nintendo Switch OLED console as retailers like Best Buy, Target, and potentially Amazon deliver a sizable price drop on the official holiday bundle. These deals are now live at Best Buy and Target, with price matches expected to hit Amazon and Walmart at either some point today or later this week. 

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Black Friday PSA: Nintendo physical game deals start this Sunday, Pro Controller will hit best price in years, OLED Switch $155 off, more


We are touching back down to today with another one of our handy Black public service announcements to ensure you have the best-of-the-best upcoming deals on your radar, and this time it’s all about Nintendo. We have already detailed to particularly notable inbound offer on Switch consoles (additional details below on this), but today we are looking at the upcoming Switch game and controller deals that should be on your radar. 

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Nintendo’s 2024 Black Friday eShop sale is (actually) now live! Mario, Zelda, Yoshi, GTA, and more from $3

eShop! From $3

While we got a sort of false start yesterday with a pair of Square Enix and Konami publisher sales, the full-on official Nintendo eShop Black Friday sale has finally now emerged. Expanding well beyond the pair of third-party publisher deals we spotted yesterday, the official Nintendo eShop Black Friday sale is loaded with first-party titles from Mario and Zelda through to Yoshi, Toad, and a whole lot more. You’ll also find Sonic and Disney titles, Grand Theft Audio, and others starting from $3. Head below for a closer look at the 2024 Nintendo Black Friday eShop sale.

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Heads up! Nintendo Switch OLED Mario Kart consoles will be up to $155 off for Black Friday, here are the details

Switch! $155 off

Anyone looking to score a new Nintendo Switch this holiday season is going to want to take note of this upcoming Black Friday deal. Nintendo has already unleashed the details on its official upcoming Black Friday sale, including prices on Switch games, select hardware, and more, but there is an upcoming deal on the OLED Switch Mario Kart holiday bundle that needs to be on your radar. While there will be several retailers, from Best Buy and Amazon to Walmart, and more, serving up deals on Switch consoles over the next two weeks, at this point Target has them all beat with as much as $155 in savings on the way. 

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Nintendo just officially detailed its upcoming 2024 Black Friday sale: Switch game prices, start times, hardware, more

BF details Nintendo!

Nintendo has officially unveiled its 2024 Black Friday deals. While not exactly a traditional Nintendo Black Friday ad as it were, it has now taken to its official site to detail the official deals going live this month. Beyond the 2024 holiday console bundles offer that were already featured and are now live, there is a large selection of big-time Nintendo Switch games and hardware set to go on sale for Black Friday and we now have all of the official details for you. Head below for a closer look at the official Nintendo Black Friday announcement. 

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Nintendo holiday Switch game deals start now from $2, 2024 gift guide and online bundle creator, more

It's-A me! Nintendo

While the 2024 Nintendo Switch holiday console bundles are now live and ready for purchase, it is now time for the annual Nintendo holiday gift guide. There’s nothing quite like getting some Nintendo gear under the tree or in the stocking, and its whimsical 2024 gift guide is filled with great ideas and holiday game deals. While we await the official Nintendo Black Friday deals, you can browse through this year’s gift guide down below and scope its new online Nintendo Switch Gift Set creator. 

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Official 2024 Nintendo Switch Black Friday console bundles now live from $300 ($80 in savings)

$80 off From $300

Nintendo unleashed its official holiday Switch offers way back in September this year, and the new standard edition and OLED consoles are now readily available for purchase at Target. Advertised in its early Black Friday ad scan, the two new consoles might not be the Switch 2 everyone is waiting for, but at least we got an OLED option this year and they do deliver some savings for folks looking to secure a fresh new Switch for under the tree this year. 

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Official Nintendo Music app debuts today to deliver 40-years of iconic tunes to your iPhone

Update: The new Nintendo Music app is now live on Apple’s App Store and Google Play

After stretching its P-wings a little bit into the (sort of) smart alarm clock world with the new Alarmo earlier this month, today the Mushroom Kingdom is moving over to your smartphone with the new Nintendo Music app. Nintendo has nearly 40 years of absolute iconic soundtracks under its belt at this point, and it is now ready to bonk the Music Block on your iPhone to serve them up to fans, on-demand and at no additional cost…providing you’re a Switch Online member that is. 

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Today’s best game deals: Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Princess Peach: Showtime!, more

Reg. $60 $40

While many of the Prime Big Deal Days offers have come and gone, Woot is has a sweet deal waiting on Kirby and the Forgotten Land alongside a host of other ongoing Switch titles down below. Folks who haven’t scooped up a copy of the Kirby’s latest full-length adventure can grab one today at $39.99 with free shipping for Prime members (a $6 delivery fee will apply otherwise). This is a regularly $60 title that is currently out of stock at Amazon where it rarely goes on sale and almost never down at $40. This is a delightful 3D platforming adventure that delivers on much of the whimsical gameplay mechanics and visuals the Kirby series is known for, just inside of a brand new world with abandoned structures and “remnants of a past civilization.” The Copy action is back with the new Drill and Ranger abilities alongside Mouthful Mode – “inhale real-world objects and transform using Mouthful Mode—swallowing a vending machine will allow you to shoot out cans.” Head below for more. 

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Nintendo just unveiled its very own Mushroom Kingdom-inspired Alarmo smart clock, purchase now!

Brand new Alarmo

Update 2/21: As promised, the charming new Nintendo Alarmo sound clock is now available for purchase at Best Buy for everyone. 

Update: Previously only available to Switch Online members via the My Nintendo Store, Nintendo has now announced that Alarmo “will be available in stores at participating retailers in March 2025, no Nintendo Switch Online membership required. Available while supplies last.”

While Amazon’s Prime Big Deal Days event is now well into its final 24 hours, we just had to take a quick break to talk about the brand new Nintendo Sound Clock: Alarmo – “an interactive alarm clock designed to add some Nintendo charm to your home and your daily routine.” It’s not everyday we see new hardware from Nintendo, and certainly not a new smart alarm clock of sorts loaded with Mushroom Kingdom charm and motion sensor technology. Scope it out below. 

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